Step(pe)s review 2

October 23, 2021

Here is another review of my album Step(pe)s, recently released by Neuma Records. Great to hear it will likely appeal to jazz / rock audiences 🙂 :

“The result is an attractive CD of improvised sounding music. On ‘Step(pe)s’ Trandafilovski offers three tracks of solo violin. They all clock in at around 10 minutes and with the titles Orbit, Wave, Shore and a cover that implies a water surface (although I believe it is a CGI) bring the association of the play of water, an ebbing and flowing … Trandafilovski uses echos and over-dubs to create a multi-faceted and multi-layered music. All pieces start from quiet beginnings, build to a tremendous climax and ebb off again into a partly near-silent ending …”