June 1, 2016
My new piece for two violins – premiere at the British Museum on June 17th:
“Large plate of mosaic glass”, eastern Mediterranean, ca.225-200 BC Room 22, British Museum This beautiful object reflects the overall structure and the various strands of material in Sharenilo. The title is Macedonian for “colourfulness”. I look at the two movements (1.Mosaic, 2.Nitki, or “threads”) as complementary: the first is more active, with a variety of colours and ideas (deliberately, of very different nature), but gradually revealing a calmer structure; the second is more peaceful, but glitters with various strands, as if one is looking at similar material from another perspective. In other words, the two movements are approaching the same plate of mosaic glass, from different angles … |
Article by Angelina Dimoska in Macedonian daily newspaper “Nova Makedonija”:
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Full programme for the event
[gview file=”http://www.trandafilovski.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/2930_1036_Music_from_Alexander_the_Greats_empire_programme_140616.pdf”] |